Daniel Rack was a student at The Titusville Academy from first grade through graduation from eighth grade in 2008. Daniel’s young life was turbulent, and he struggled with learning disabilities. The purpose of the fund is to recognize the extraordinarily positive contribution and guidance that The Titusville Academy provided through Daniel’s childhood, and to honor him by supporting others who could benefit by their attendance at The Titusville Academy.
The Daniel Rack Memorial Scholarship Fund is intended to recognize an 8th grade student to further their interest and participation in athletics, the arts, or community service. The rationale is that by middle school, young people start to know what they are good at, and what they really like. By middle school age, teachers can clearly see if a student has talent, and not all talents are academic in nature. Sometimes parents are unable to support students’ endeavors financially or are unable to provide transportation to practice and events. Initially, $500 per school year would be the maximum award, but that may increase as time passes and our economy changes. A student can win the scholarship once.
Eligibility and Application
The Daniel Rack Memorial Scholarship Fund is available to eligible Titusville Academy 8th grade students who participate in TTA and/or local school district or community athletics, arts, or community service, and embody the desire to do one’s best in the spirit of good sportsmanship and/or good citizenship.
Eighth grade students may apply to receive financial assistance via a written essay detailing their athletic, arts, or community service pursuits and how they may benefit from the scholarship award. Financial aid awards may be used for any part of a student’s organized athletic, arts or community service activities, including uniform, equipment, instrument, supplies, entry fees, or transportation.
One hundred percent of all contributions to the Daniel Rack Memorial Scholarship Fund go directly to students. The Titusville Academy’s board of trustees, administrators, staff, and the family of Daniel Rack volunteer their time and energy to provide this program to the students.
Contributions are fully tax deductible by law.
Checks should be made payable to:
The Community Foundation of New Jersey and mailed to: The Community Foundation of New Jersey, P.O. Box 338, Morristown, NJ 07963. Please identify your donation as restricted to The Daniel Rack Memorial Scholarship Fund on the memo line of your check.
Online Donations with your credit card:
The Community Foundation of New Jersey can also process your one-time or recurring donation online. Visit https://cfnj.org/rack/ to make your online donation with your credit card.
Community Foundation of New Jersey, EIN 22-228178