11 December 2014
11 December 2014,

One of the strategies we use here at TTA when rules are broken or behavior interferes with learning is the “STAR Intervention.”

Parents, guardians and caregivers can use this simple, 4-step process at home:

  1. Say what you see and listen to the student’s response. Describe the specific norm violation. Be direct, objective and specific without judging the student’s character. Listen with an open mind.
  2. Tell why the behavior is a problem. Stay in control of your own emotions! Calmly tell how the behavior does not meet norms. Do not place blame or attack the student’s character.
  3. Add an explanation of what the desired behavior supporting the norms is and show how to make amends. Be specific! Be sure the student understands what they must stop doing, start doing, and continue to do in the future.
  4. Reach a mutually agreeable solution and review consequences of continued behavior, if necessary. Be objective, nonthreatening, and supportive. The goal is for students to take responsibility for their behavior.

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